Message from the Vice Chairman   

Message from the Vice Chairman

I am excited to collaborate with our dedicated faculty as we expand the Department of Anesthesiology teaching program.

I oversee the Anesthesiology rotation for Emergency Medicine and Dental residents, as well as medical students, providing an experience commensurate with the level of training. Our newRussell J. Horn, M.D. anesthesiology residents will experience a logical progression of clinical case complexity, balanced by individual progress and program goals. Software will tally each resident’s procedures to insure all residents exceed ACGME requirements. Residents will have remote electronic access to daily assignments for convenience and transparency.

I enthusiastically look forward to working with our faculty to provide a truly excellent experience at Hackensack University Medical Center for physicians training to become consultants in Anesthesiology.

Russell J. Horn, M.D.
Vice Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology
Hackensack Meridian School of Medicine at Seton Hall University
Vice Chairman, Department of Anesthesiology
Hackensack University Medical Center

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