Nursing Orientations, Residencies and Fellowships | Hackensack University Medical Center   
Nursing Residencies and Fellowships

Creating a Well-Educated Nurse Workforce

According to Bantos (2015), “With 10,000 adults expected to turn 65 every day between now and 2030, and nurse managers simultaneously retiring in droves, a well-educated nurse workforce will have to be in place to fill the large skills gap and attend to the growing number of patients” (p. 32). Additionally, Sherman (2012) explains that there are still specialties that could benefit from greater attention when she states: “56% of perioperative nurse leaders report that they are already having problems with recruitment and 68% anticipate problems within 5 years based on the age of their staff”

Thus Hackensack University Medical Center, has taken a proactive stance by creating and offering various programs to attract and retain a first-rate nursing staff – providing additional education and enhancing their skills. To best prepare staff to care for patients in our care environment, all professional nurses complete a core curriculum of training within their first year of hire. Upon completion, there are other educational opportunities offered throughout the year to support ongoing professional development.


Watch these videos to view Recognition information. Choose ‘Recognition’ below to watch CNO Dianne Aroh speak to what sets Hackensack University Medical Center apart from other health care organizations.


Bob Garrett on NJ Today

125th Anniversary

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