How to Submit an Application Through eResearch
Please note: Although a study can be opened by any member of the study team, ONLY the Principal Investigator (PI) can submit the complete application.
The submission process requires the following THREE steps:
STEP 1: Create And Complete The New Study Application
- On the left-hand side of the study workspace, under “Create” click on the “New Study”. Your study is now open and will be in “Pre-submission” until completed and submitted by the PI.
- Fill the applicable items in every page of the application and then click “Continue”.
The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory and you cannot move to the next page without providing the required information.
- Make sure your protocol is uploaded in section 2 (item 12) and all other supplementary material (collection tool, informed consent form etc.) are uploaded in section 8.1.
- The application is automatically saved every time you click on the “Continue” button UNLESS you have uploaded a document in which you will need to manually save the application. To do that, click the “Save” button located on the top banner.
- To make sure that you have not missed any required field, click on “Hide/Show Errors” also located on the top banner.
- For any section that is marked “MISSING REQUIRED FIELD”, click on the name of the section under “Jump To” (located on the top banner). The application page for that section will open so the appropriate answers can be supplied.
- In order for the study to be ready for submission, all missing required fields must be answered.
- If you choose to complete your application on a different time, click the “Save” and then the “Exit” button, both located on the top banner.
- Until you submit your application, you can return to it as many times as you need.
To access your application to go the “Edit Study’ Button located on the workspace on the left-hand side of the study.
STEP 2: All Co-Investigators Must Agree to Participate In the Study
- Co-investigators may indicate their agreement to participate in the study at any time. To do so, after logging into the eResearch system, they must click the “Agree to participate” button under My Activities in the study workspace found in the left-hand side.
- In the new window that opens up, they must select Yes or No to indicate their agreement, then click the “OK” button.
- If a co-investigator indicates that he/she does not agree to participate in the study, they must be removed from the application before the application can be submitted by the PI.
Please note: For a co-investigator to be able to agree to participate, he/she must have completed the required CITI training.
STEP 3: The Principal Investigator Must Submit The Application.
- Once the application is completed ONLY the PI will be able to submit the application. To do so, the PI will have a “Submit Study” button under My Activities (left-had side workspace).
- If the application is not complete, a list of missing fields will appear. The application must be complete before it can be submitted.
- Click the “Submit Study” listed under My Activities. IRB is the specific IRB the study is being submitted to.
- In the new window that opens up, read the Principal Investigator’s Assurance and indicate your agreement by checking the “I Agree” box. If you are a trainee or a student, also indicate your agreement to the Trainee/Student Investigator’s Assurance.
- Click the “OK” button.
Please note: The PI will not be allowed to submit the study until all co-investigators have agreed to participate.
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