RECIPE: Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup   
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RECIPE: Cashew Carrot Ginger Soup

Yield: 2  Prep Time: 15 minutes  Cook Time: 15 minutes  Total Time: 20 minutes


2 cups steamed or raw carrots

½ cup raw organic cashews

2 inch thick cube of raw fresh ginger (large chunk peeled) OR 1 TBSP ground ginger

2 cups vegetable or chicken broth

Sea salt & white pepper

Toasted or roasted pumpkin seeds

½ cup cashew milk (optional)

½ white onion steamed (optional)

Parsley (optional)


Soak cashews in filtered water for 1 hour ahead of time.

Add steamed carrots and ½ onion, broth, drained cashews, fresh ginger, and nut milk (optional if you want a creamier soup) to a Vitamix blender. Blend on the highest speed for 10 minutes to heat.

Add to serving bowl and season with salt, white pepper, and chopped parsley as desired.

Top with roasted pumpkin seeds as a garnish. You can also use a regular blender and blend for 2 minutes or until smooth and return to saucepan to heat.

Try variations such as adding steamed potato and/or other herbs and spices such as nutmeg, cinnamon, turmeric, curry, etc.

Can replace and substitute carrots with butternut squash, sweet potato, or acorn squash for more variations.


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