Jersey Shore University Medical Center Brings Precision Imaging to PCIs with Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT)
Cardiovascular Team Partners with Abbott to Refine New OCT Imaging Technology Application in the Cath Lab
Cardiovascular experts at Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center are using new imaging technology to view inside patients’ coronary arteries in real time, with greater detail, and more accompanying data than ever before.
The academic medical center is one of several sites throughout the country partnering with Abbott to enhance patient outcomes through application of Abbott’s intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (OCT). The new imaging technology is used in cardiac catheterization laboratories during diagnostic and coronary angioplasty procedures, and is in use at only two other hospitals in New Jersey.
For decades, angiography has predominantly guided PCIs but only provides a two-dimensional view of a three-dimensional blood vessel. OCT uses near-infrared light to provide high-definition images of the interior of the artery, with high precision. This is accomplished by inserting a catheter with a miniscule camera into the artery.
Integrating the angiography and OCT imaging with overlaying the images gives clinicians more information to guide them and inform better decisions. This more detailed view of an artery’s composition, for instance, shows when there is a clot or calcium buildup and how much plaque is present.
OCT also provides automated, accurate measurements inside arteries helping to identify the nature of blockages and reveal lesions, and guiding stent selection, placement and deployment. Rather than approximating, physicians can measure what width and length stent to put in and ascertain how to best treat vessel damage.
Learn More about cardiac care advancements happening at Jersey Shore University Medical Center.