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Lieberman Continues International Presentations at Conferences in Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and Chile

Pediatric nephrology chief shares expertise on kidney disease and treatment

Travel to Middle East

Kenneth Lieberman, M.D., chief of Pediatric Nephrology at Joseph M. Sanzari Children’s Hospital, is presenting in the Fall of 2023 in Puerto Varas, Chile, on advances in the treatment of aHUS (atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome). Dr. Lieberman will be the only U.S.-based pediatric nephrologist to present about what has become the gold standard in treatment of aHUS - an every two months infusion treatment of the drug ravulizumab.

aHUS is a rare genetic disease that causes tiny blood clots to form in the blood vessels, blocking blood flow to important organs. It can cause kidney failure, heart disease, and other serious health problems. Prior to the current advancement, treatment called for an infusion to be administered to patients every two weeks.

Dr. Lieberman was the principal investigator in New Jersey when the treatment protocol underwent clinical trials approximately five years ago.

The Chile talk is the second in a series of lectures for international nephrologists on advances of treatment of aHUS hosted by Astrazeneca, the manufacturer of ravulizumab. Most recently Dr. Lieberman presented to nephrologists – adult and pediatric – during a virtual meeting of Egyptian doctors.

Dr. Lieberman, a pioneer in the use of genetics to diagnose kidney disease and an expert in the treatment of many kidney conditions, is a researcher and clinician who has lectured around the world, including at meetings of the Congress of the International Pediatric Nephrology Association. Last year he spoke at three international conferences in Dubai at the Second Annual Gulf aHUS Academy Meeting. He previously served on a renal genetics roundtable at a forum sponsored by the National Kidney Foundation.

In 2019, he was designated a nephrotic syndrome specialist by NephCure International.

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