Application Process | Dentistry Residency | JFK University Medical Center   

Application Process

The General Practice Residency Program utilizes the Postdoctoral Application Support Service (PASS) for resident applications. Applicants should submit their application through PASS for consideration. Note: the ADAT exam is optional. The application deadline is October 1st.

In addition to PASS, a site visit is required. It is recommended that the site visit be scheduled prior to the application deadline. Applicants should contact the program director to schedule their visit. The following items should also be sent directly to the program:

  • Curriculum Vitae
  • 2” x 2” photograph


All applicants to the program must:

  • Attend and be eligible for graduation from a CODA accredited U.S or Canadian dental school
  • Secure their own visas through the U.S. Immigration and Naturalization Service (if not a U.S. citizen)

Selection Process

Interviews are scheduled in the fall of each calendar year. The program does not participate in the National Matching Service (MATCH). This program complies with EEOC policies and guidelines. We do not discriminate based on age, gender, race, religious preference or military status.

The selection process is chaired by the program director. The selection committee reviews all application submissions. Candidates are interviewed by the selection committee. The candidates are ranked by the committee and the ranked selections are communicated to the program director.

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