Ideas for Celebrating Mother’s Day During the Coronavirus Pandemic   
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Ideas for Celebrating Mother’s Day During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Mother’s Day is a special day to show your gratitude for the maternal figure in your life. Whether it’s your mom, your grandma, an aunt, or someone else, honoring that person might look a bit different this year as we deal with the coronavirus pandemic.

However, there are ways to be creative and show your love this Mother’s Day. You can perform simple acts of kindness from your home or partake in a socially-distanced activity. A little celebration or gesture can go a long way.

Here are some ideas of what families can do this Mother’s Day to show your love and appreciation, as well as some self-care ideas for mom to take a moment for herself, guilt-free.

What Families Can Do

Timeless Traditions

Breakfast in Bed. What mom doesn’t want to wake up to fresh coffee, OJ, and pancakes for breakfast? This is an easy, fun solution to keep your kids engaged and excited, while cooking up something delicious for mom.

Coupon Books. Kids can create a coupon book just for mom that’s redeemable for household chores, unlimited hugs, nail painting or an at-home massage.

Homemade Arts and Crafts. Because kids can’t bring art or crafts typically made in school home to mom, parents can work with kids to make simple, yet meaningful art creations from home. Some ideas include hand/foot prints, noodle necklaces, painted flower pots or a simple card made with construction paper and markers.

A ‘Mixed Tape’. Although mixed tapes no longer exist, the idea of making a playlist with mom’s favorite songs will always be cherished. Work some exercise into it by using the playlist to have a dance party with the whole family.

Flowers, Online Gifts, and Takeout. You still have time to order mom flowers for delivery or personal gifts online. Maybe a soft set of pajamas or comfy slippers, gardening tools or candles will brighten her day. Or, if you want to host a special brunch or dinner for mom, you can order delivery to support local businesses and elegantly plate the food so it feels more special for mom.

New Norms

Virtual Gatherings. Many of us will celebrate Mother’s Day virtually this year. Host a get together on FaceTime, Skype, or House Party. Planning an online 'party' with singing, laughter and food in each home.

Share Love on Social Media. If you’re on Facebook or Instagram, share a photo of you and mom with a special message. All of the likes and comments will surely make mom smile.

Family Walk or Exercise. If the weather cooperates, be sure to get outside and take a socially-distanced walk with the family, or set up a fun exercise class at home for mom and the kids to do together. There are plenty of ideas online!

Video Card. Can’t make it to the card store? No problem! Smart phones have made it easier than ever to record special sentiments that mom can keep forever. Make it a tradition and she can watch her child grow throughout the years. Bonus – it’s eco-friendly, too! Share your video card on social media and tag Hackensack Meridian Health to be part of our #MomHero movement this Mother’s Day!

What Mom Can Do

Sleep! There’s no doubt that the pandemic can take its toll on your sleep pattern. So, if you can, try to get a good rest the night before Mother’s Day, and spend some extra much-needed time in bed in the morning. It’s YOUR day!

Manage Stress. The best ways to manage stress are to connect socially, stay active, and find support if you need it. It’s also recommended to disconnect from work as you are able, and enjoy living in the moment with your family.

Practice Gratitude. Feeling gratitude and appreciating the good has been proven to increase happiness. Use Mother’s Day to kick off the use of a gratitude journal, and write down and reflect on three things you are grateful for every day.

Next Steps & Resources:

How to Sleep Better During the Coronavirus Crisis

How to Manage Anxiety around Coronavirus

6 Therapeutic Activities for Kids During the Coronavirus Outbreak

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.


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