Bartter Syndrome-Induced Kaliopenic Nephropathy | Hackensack Meridian Health   

Case Study of Bartter Syndrome-Induced Kaliopenic Nephropathy Published by Jersey Shore University Medical Center Researchers

Hypokalemia-induced renal injury presents in absence of renal cysts and tubular vacuolization in the study

Hypokalemia is always present in individuals with Bartter syndrome, but the nephrology team at Hackensack Meridian Jersey Shore University Medical Center recently studied a case with unique pathology on renal biopsy.


The case study, published in the International Journal of Clinical and Medical Cases, opens discussion regarding the existence of Kaliopenic nephropathy, a condition that has received little attention for several decades, yet the authors ascertain still exists. Kaliopenic nephropathy is associated with eating disorders and laxative abuse among other causes of chronic hypokalemia in patients.

This particular case study observed a 37-year-old patient with a history of Bartter syndrome. Researchers noted severe hypokalemia with unusual biopsy findings, including mesangial sclerosis, patchy tubular atrophy, interstitial fibrosis, mononuclear infiltration and thickening of the tubular basement membrane. While renal cysts were anticipated, the biopsy showed none.

Sushil K. Mehandru, M.D., chief of nephrology at Jersey Shore University Medical Center, Supreet Kaur, APN, Vikas Singh, M.D., Avais Masud, M.D., and Arif Asif, M.D., collaborated closely with Tushar J. Vachharajani, M.D., Professor of Medicine at Cleveland Clinic, to author the case study, concluding that hypokalemia-induced renal injury shouldn’t be ruled out based on the absence of tubular vacuolization and renal cysts.

If you are a patient looking for expert nephrology care at Hackensack Meridian Health, please visit our kidney disorders and nephrology services page to learn about our specialties, find locations, and schedule appointments. 

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