
Full Spectrum Brain Tumor Care Access in One Location Optimizes Patient Recovery at JFK University Medical Center

Full Spectrum Brain Tumor Care Access in One Location Optimizes Patient Recovery at JFK University Medical Center

For patients experiencing certain brain tumors, optimal recovery depends on access to a full spectrum of care that includes diagnosis, treatment and physical rehabilitation. The Brain Tumor Treatment and Rehabilitation Center at HackensackMeridian JFK University Medical Center provides this multidisciplinary approach tocare in one location.

Offering standard treatment options (surgery, radiation, chemotherapy) as wellas advanced clinical trials, The Brain Tumor Treatment and Rehabilitation Centerprovides support throughout the patient’s journey from diagnosis to recovery.

A primary treatment modality, Gamma Knife® Radiosurgery, has proven effective in treating patients experiencing certain brain tumors when conventional surgery is not possible or desired. Gamma Knife offers several advantages including:

  • Noninvasive - No incision is made, the patient’s head is not shaved and the treatment is virtually painless.
  • Outpatient procedure - No hospitalization is necessary.
  • Reduced risks - The risk of surgical complications such as infection, hemorrhage and adverse reactions to general anesthesia are eliminated.

Working together with physiatrists and other physical medicine and rehabilitation specialists, the Brain Tumor and Rehabilitation Center is the most comprehensive program for diagnosis and management of brain and spinal cord tumors at a single site in New Jersey. Patients receive a full spectrum of care contributing to recovery including:

  • Neurorehabilitation. The expert team of physical, occupational, and speech therapists at the nationally ranked* JFK Johnson Rehabilitation Institute (JRI) works closely with patients to fully recover.
  • Support groups. Led by a team of neurology and neurosurgery nurses and social workers, the Central New Jersey and Monmouth County Brain Tumor Support Group and the Benign Brain Tumor Support Group provide patients, survivors, and their loved ones with a place to share fears and concerns, learn positive coping skills, and find emotional and spiritual support.
  • Palliative care. Our palliative care specialists help to enhance quality of life for patients during cancer treatment by managing the side effects of tumor treatment and controlling pain and other symptoms related to their condition.
  • Hospice. Haven Hospice is an integral part of the neuro-oncology program at the JFK Neuroscience Institute and provides a full range of at-home and inpatient hospice services. The interdisciplinary hospice team is comprised of physicians, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, social workers, counselors, volunteers, and clergy who meet each patient’s physical and spiritual needs, as well as offer instruction, guidance, and support to loved ones.

*Ranked among the nation’s best rehabilitation hospitals by U.S. News and World Report

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