GPS-Style Ion Tool | Hackensack Meridian Health   

GPS-Style Ion Lung Cancer Tool Now at Hackensack University Medical Center

Guidance Technology Brings Precision and Efficiency to Nodule Detection and Removal

GPS Like Technology

A new robotic-assisted tool called Ion, which uses a GPS-like technology, is now helping physicians more efficiently detect and treat lung cancer at Hackensack University Medical Center.

Called Ion, the novel guidance technology enables thoracic surgeons and pulmonologists to navigate the intricate tissue and airways to access hard-to-reach nodules. The minimally invasive, robotic-assisted tool can help physicians identify lung cancers earlier and more accurately than with existing screening and imaging technologies, allowing patients to start effective treatment sooner and achieve better outcomes.

The Ion’s advanced tracking technology helps guide physicians for biopsy or dye injection into a lung nodule to help localize it for targeted treatment. In combination with the center’s on-site da Vinci Surgical Robot, a nodule can be removed during the same operating room visit saving time and unnecessary steps and discomfort for patients. The ion opens opportunities to perform more lung-sparing surgeries and help patients recover faster.

Learn more about cancer care breakthroughs at Hackensack University Medical Center.

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