Hackensack University Medical Center Verified Level 1 Trauma Center by the American College of Surgeons
Depth in Orthopedic Trauma Surgery Expertise Helps Center Achieve Level 1 DesignationThe trauma center at Hackensack Meridian Hackensack University Medical Center has been verified as a Level 1 Trauma Center by the Verification Review Committee (VRC), an ad hoc committee of the Committee on Trauma (COT) of the American College of Surgeons (ACS). This achievement recognizes the trauma center’s dedication to providing optimal care for injured patients.
As more than half of all hospitalized trauma patients have one or more musculoskeletal injuries that result in loss of life or limb or significant impairment, this trauma center designation recognizes Hackensack University Medical Center’s excellence in orthopedic care.
Established by the American College of Surgeons in 1987, the COT’s Consultation/Verification Program for Hospitals promotes the development of trauma centers in which participants provide not only the hospital resources necessary for trauma care, but also the entire spectrum of care to address the needs of all injured patients. This spectrum encompasses the prehospital phase through the rehabilitation process.
In a Level I trauma center, orthopedic care must be overseen by an individual who has completed a fellowship in orthopedic traumatology approved by the Orthopaedic Trauma Association. This liaison helps ensure trauma case coverage by a dedicated orthopedic trauma team of experts, including fellowship- and trauma-trained orthopedic surgeons who collaborate seamlessly with other trauma specialists and nursing staff.
In addition to specialized trauma expertise, the center’s dedicated orthopedic trauma room positions the team to handle the most complex orthopedic trauma cases. Level 1 designation also helps with seamless transfer of patients who require this advanced level of care.
Learn More about orthopedic achievements at Hackensack University Medical Center.