Married Couple Collectively Loses 340 Pounds After Bariatric Surgery   

Married Couple Collectively Loses 340 Pounds After Bariatric Surgery

Todd and Alicia Currier

For years, Todd Currier dreaded paying premium prices for clothing in specialty stores, checking the seating before going to a restaurant because he didn’t fit into booths and having people stare at him in public. But a fear of doctors and hospitals had kept him from doing anything about his weight, even with sleep apnea, high cholesterol and other health problems.

“At 464 pounds, I was tired of my life being defined by my weight,” says Todd, a Staten Island resident who works as an area supervisor for the New York City Department of Transportation.

Then three of his coworkers had weight-loss surgery. Their success made him reevaluate his situation. One thing they all had in common was that their bariatric surgeon was Richard Greco, D.O.

Family Affair

Todd’s wife, Alicia, a school nurse, weighed 381 pounds, suffered from health problems and lacked energy. When Todd told her about his coworkers, she researched Dr. Greco and was very pleased with everything she learned. The couple made an appointment with him.

Dr. Greco recalls that Todd, with a body mass index (BMI) of 70, and Alicia, at a 58 BMI, were both considered obese and at high risk for more serious health issues and the possibility of early death.

They needed to lose a lot of weight, which was highly unlikely without bariatric surgery. In fact, Dr. Greco says people in the Curriers’ weight range have only about a 12 percent chance of losing substantial weight on their own, but their odds increase to 80 percent with bariatric surgery.

Dr. Greco says that otherwise healthy patients who have a BMI of 40 or more—or those who have comorbidities like heart disease, sleep apnea and diabetes with a BMI of 35 or more—are candidates for bariatric surgery. Patients tend to do better following surgery when they’re younger adults because their metabolism rates are higher and they are more capable of exercising. At age 44 and 41, respectively, Todd and Alicia were strong candidates for bariatric surgery.

They couple wanted to have their surgeries the same day. They were committed to caring for each other while they went through the progression of special post-surgical diets. So on June 29, 2020, Todd and Alicia each had a laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy at Bayshore Medical Center

A Team Effort

During the laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy procedures, Dr. Greco created four small incisions in their abdomens, reconfigured their stomachs to a “banana” shape and removed excess stomach tissue, which included the area that produces the hormone ghrelin that stimulates hunger. The couple was able to share a hospital room while hospitalized for two nights after the procedures for observation.

So far, Todd has lost more than 200 pounds and Alicia has shed 140 pounds. Their obesity-related health problems are receding or gone. “I love the new energy,” Alicia states. “I’m able to clean the house without resting, and Todd’s more active and helpful now.” They also enjoy shopping for clothes wherever they want. They praise Dr. Greco for everything he did for them.

Dr. Greco says bariatric surgery success is a team effort over the long-term. “Initially, our patients’ large stomach stacks the cards against their success. Once we reduce that, we work with them to make lifestyle changes. Then, we follow up with them long-term to ensure the best outcome.”

Next Steps & Resources:

The material provided through HealthU is intended to be used as general information only and should not replace the advice of your physician. Always consult your physician for individual care.


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