We’re Giddy Over Mike the Horse at Carrier Clinic

October 16, 2024
One of Hackensack Meridian Health’s newest hires seems to be fitting in just fine. He gets along great with team members and patients at Carrier Clinic, which provides mental health and addiction treatment. In fact, Mike, the 14-year-old quarter horse donated by a family in Chester County, Pennsylvania, might just be a model employee.
“Mike is the perfect therapy animal...he’s way past gentle,” said Ravenell Williams IV, the barn care coordinator at the Belle Mead campus.
To expand its equine therapy sessions for patients, Mike was chosen to join the Carrier Equine Assisted Therapy program about four months ago after team members reviewed a number of candidates, visiting the horses and assessing their temperament.
The donor family gifted Mike to Carrier, where he now resides in the barn on the southwest end of the campus along with another horse, two miniature donkeys and two goats.
The therapy horses aren’t ridden, rather clients interact with them in different ways, helping to groom, feed and lead the animals. Equine-assisted therapy is thought to provide a calming effect and help with a variety of mental health and behavioral issues, including addiction, anxiety and depression.
Working with horses also helps build confidence and trust in the adolescents and adults who participate at Carrier. “Mike has the personality to be a therapy animal. He’s very affectionate,” Ravenell said.
Mike is in his prime and the generosity of the Palmers provides the opportunity to offer equine assisted therapy to more patients and residents.
“Philanthropy has been important in helping Carrier offer non-traditional therapies that can’t be billed through insurance,” said Michael Loch, director of development for behavioral health at Hackensack Meridian Health Foundation.
“Having a horse for our program allows us to offer unique therapeutic experiences that complement traditional mental health treatments. It’s what differentiates Carrier. We’re able to provide a holistic approach to therapy,” he said.
We know that Mike the horse will help many patients at Carrier Clinic and wish him the best of luck at his important role! To make a gift in support of equine therapy at Carrier Clinic, contact Michael at michael.loch@hmhn.org, or visit GiveHMH.org/CarrierClinic and select Wellness Choices in the drop down menu.