Patient & Visitor Information
Ethics Grand Rounds
Ethics Grand Rounds, which are open to the entire medical center, are conducted monthly as a forum for the discussion of ethical issues in health care that arise in the Medical Center or in the larger community.
Listed below are topics addressed at past rounds:
- The Role of Ethics in Health Care
- The Ethics of a Marketplace for Organs
- Autonomy Run Amok
- The Ethics of Palliation and Palliative Care
- The Ethics of Organ Donation After Cardiac Death
- The Ethics of Medical Education
- The Ethics of Saying, “I’m Sorry”
- The Ethics of Using Placebos in the Routine Care and Treatment of Children
- The Ethics of Physician-Industry Interaction
- The Ethics of Health Care During Pandemics
- The Ethics of Futility: How Do We Define It? How Do We Identify It?
- How Do We Address It?
- The Ethics of Decision Making About Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
- The Ethics of Breaking Bad News
- The Ethics of IVF-Induced High-Order Multiple Pregnancies
- The Ethics of HIV Testing
- The Ethics of Conscientious Objection in Health care
- The Ethics of Resource Allocation During Pandemics
- The Ethics of Pain Management
- Ethical Choices in a New Orleans Hospital: What Would You Have Done?
- The Ethics of Post-Mortem Sperm Retrieval
- Why Do Patients Need Professional Advocates?
- The Ethics of Decisional Capacity
- The Ethics of Religion-Based Refusal of Medical Treatment
- The Ethics of Vegetative States and Other Disorders of Consciousness
- The Ethics of Pharmaceutical Detailing
- Patient Satisfaction and Patient Care: Are These Goals Ever in Tension?
- Growth-Attenuation Therapy: The Ashley Treatment
- The Ethics of Randomized Controlled Clinical Trials
- A Right to Die: The Dax Cowart Case
- Is This Treatment Justified? Resource Allocation in the Trauma Setting
- The Ethics of the Electronic Medical Record
- The Ethics of Assigning Kidneys
- If We Know Medical Futility When We See It, What Do We Do About It?
- Should Women Be Doctors?
- The Ethics of State Intervention When Children Are Morbidly Obese
- The Ethics of Children As Organ Donors and Survivor Siblings
- Disney in the Nursery: The Ethics of Commercialization in the Clinical Setting
- The Moral Response to China’s System of Organ Procurement
- Will Tying Hospital Reimbursement to Patient Satisfaction Enhance Patient Care?
- Euthanasia For the Alzheimer’s Patient? Lessons From the Netherlands
- Why Can’t Amelia Receive a Kidney?
- The Ethics of National Drug Shortages
- Who Is Controlling What Health care Practitioners Discuss with Their Patients
- Whose Life Is It Anyway? The Ethics of Hastening Death By Voluntarily Stopping Eating and Drinking (VSED)
- The Ethics of Savior Siblings
- There Is No Administrative Consent or Two-Physician Consent: Who Makes Decisions For the Patient Alone?
- The Ethics of Conflicts of Interest: What You Need to Know About Them and the New Hackensack University Medical Center policy
- Who’s Minding the Store? The Ethics of Compounding Pharmacies
- The Ethics of Whole Genome Sequencing in Newborns
- Disregarding DNR Consented to By Capable Patient When Family Insists on Resuscitation
- The Ethics of Elective (Non-therapeutic) Ventilation to Maximize Organ Donation
- The Cancer of Optimism: Are Optimism and Realism Incompatible in the Clinical Setting?
- The Ethics of “Transitioning” Patients to Other Care Settings
- Who Owns Your Genetic Information and What is Being Done With It? The Saga of Henrietta Lacks
- Informed Consent: Is It Beneficial? Is It Fair? Is It Possible?
- The New and Improved Declaration of Helsinki: Why Does It Matter?
- When Patients and Families Request or Reject Caregivers Based on Race, Ethnicity, or Gender: Is Accommodating These Preferences Ethically Justifiable?
As an additional resource, the Bioethics Library Link provides medical center staff with online access to a selection of articles related to each month’s grand rounds topic. These articles are available for download and remain posted for six months.