Orthopedic Specialists of New Jersey
Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Back Pain and Spine Disorders
- Back surgery
- Herniated disc
- Lumbar discectomy
- Lumbar fusion
- Lumbar laminectomy
- Lumbar spine fracture
- Spinal stenosis
- Thoracic discectomy
- Thoracic fusion
- Thoracic laminectomy
- Thoracic spine fracture
- Pinched nerve
- Sciatica
- Radiculopathy (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in the arms)
- Robotic surgery
Broken Bones and Fracture Care
- Broken Bones and Fracture Care
Corticosteroid Injections and Cortisone Injections
- Corticosteroid Injections and Cortisone Injections
Finger, Hand, Wrist and Elbow Injuries and Disorders
- Arthroplasty
- Boxer’s fracture
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Congenital trigger thumb
- Cubital tunnel syndrome
- De Quervains Tenosynovitis
- Dupuytren's contracture
- Elbow fractures
- Elbow pain
- Finger contracture
- Finger fractures
- Finger infections
- Finger pain
- Finger replantation
- Finger sprain
- Ganglion cyst and removal
- Hand fractures
- Hand pain
- Jersey Finger
- Ligament repair and reconstruction
- Nerve repair
- Nerve transfer
- Numbness in the hand
- Skin graft
- Tendentious
- Tendon repair
- Tennis elbow
- Thumb arthritis and reconstruction
- Trigger finger
- Wrist arthritis reconstruction
- Wrist fractures
- Wrist pain
Hip Pain and Injuries, Including Hip Replacement
- Anterior Hip replacement
- Hip arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Hip avascular necrosis
- Hip dislocation, fracture
- Hip joint injections
- Hip preservation surgery
- Hip replacement
- Minimally invasive hip replacement
- Mini Posterior Hip replacement
- Revision hip replacement
- Robotic Hip replacement
Knee Pain and Injuries
- ACL injuries and repairs
- Arthritis of the knee
- Knee replacement and repair options
- Knee revisions
- Ligament injuries and repairs
- Meniscus injury, tear and repair
- Patella injuries and repair
- Robotic knee replacement
Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disorders
- Cervical discectomy
- Cervical herniated disc
- Cervical laminectomy
- Cervical spine fracture
- Cervical spine fusion
- Cervical Disc replacement surgery
- Cervical stenosis
- Pinched nerve
- Radiculopathy (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in the arms)
Shoulder Pain, Injuries, and Replacement
- Arthroscopic rotator cuff tendon repair
- Arthroscopic and open shoulder stabilization procedures
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Shoulder arthritis
- Shoulder dislocation, fracture and separation
- Shoulder fractures
- Shoulder injections
- Shoulder replacement surgery
- Shoulder reconstruction and surgery
Sports Injuries, Prevention, and Treatment
- ACL tears
- Meniscal tears
- PRP Orthopedic Injections
Trauma Injury Treatments and Reconstructive Surgery
- Trauma Injury Treatments and Reconstructive Surgery
Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy
Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
- Arthritis and Rheumatoid Arthritis
Back Pain and Spine Disorders
- Back pain and spine disorders
- Back surgery
- Herniated disc
- Lumbar discectomy
- Lumbar fusion
- Lumbar laminectomy
- Lumbar spine fracture
- Spinal stenosis
- Thoracic discectomy
- Thoracic fusion
- Thoracic laminectomy
- Thoracic spine fracture
- Pinched nerve
- Sciatica
- Radiculopathy (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in the arms)
- Robotic surgery
Broken Bones and Fracture Care
- Broken Bones and Fracture Care
Corticosteroid Injections and Cortisone Injections
- Corticosteroid Injections and Cortisone Injections
Finger, Hand, Wrist and Elbow Injuries and Disorders
- Finger, Hand, wrist and elbow injuries and disorders
- Arthroplasty
- Boxer’s fracture
- Carpal tunnel syndrome
- Congenital trigger thumb
- Cubital tunnel syndrome
- De Quervains Tenosynovitis
- Dupuytren's contracture
- Elbow fractures
- Elbow pain
- Finger contracture
- Finger fractures
- Finger infections
- Finger pain
- Finger replantation
- Finger sprain
- Ganglion cyst and removal
- Hand fractures
- Hand pain
- Jersey Finger
- Ligament repair and reconstruction
- Nerve repair
- Nerve transfer
- Numbness in the hand
- Skin graft
- Tendentious
- Tendon repair
- Tennis elbow
- Thumb arthritis and reconstruction
- Trigger finger
- Wrist arthritis reconstruction
- Wrist fractures
- Wrist pain
Hip Pain and Injuries, Including Hip Replacement
- Hip Pain and Injuries, Including Hip Replacement
- Anterior Hip replacement
- Hip arthritis and osteoarthritis
- Hip avascular necrosis
- Hip dislocation, fracture
- Hip joint injections
- Hip preservation surgery
- Hip replacement
- Minimally invasive hip replacement
- Mini Posterior Hip replacement
- Revision hip replacement
- Robotic Hip replacement
- Knee pain and injuries
- ACL injuries and repairs
- Arthritis of the knee
- Cortisone Injections
Knee Pain and Injuries
- Knee pain and injuries
- ACL injuries and repairs
- Arthritis of the knee
- Knee replacement and repair options
- Knee revisions
- Ligament injuries and repairs
- Meniscus injury, tear and repair
- Patella injuries and repair
- Robotic knee replacement
Neck Pain and Cervical Spine Disorders
- Neck pain and cervical spine disorders
- Cervical discectomy
- Cervical herniated disc
- Cervical laminectomy
- Cervical spine fracture
- Cervical spine fusion
- Cervical Disc replacement surgery
- Cervical stenosis
- Pinched nerve
- Radiculopathy (pain, numbness, tingling, weakness in the arms)
Shoulder Pain, Injuries, and Replacement
- Shoulder pain and injuries, as well as shoulder replacement and repair options
- Arthroscopic rotator cuff tendon repair
- Arthroscopic and open shoulder stabilization procedures
- Rotator cuff injuries
- Shoulder arthritis
- Shoulder dislocation, fracture and separation
- Shoulder fractures
- Shoulder injections
- Shoulder replacement surgery
- Shoulder reconstruction and surgery
Sports Injuries, Prevention, and Treatment
- Sports injuries, prevention, and treatment
- ACL tears
- Meniscal tears
Trauma Injury Treatments and Reconstructive Surgery
- Trauma injury treatments and reconstructive surgery
Physical Therapy
- Physical Therapy
- Comprehensive physical therapy center with the latest rehab and exercise equipment as an option to surgery or to speed and support your post surgical recovery.