Recipe: Crispy Tofu Tacos with Fermented Peanut Chile Sauce and Pickled Slaw   

Recipe: Crispy Tofu Tacos with Fermented Peanut Chile Sauce and Pickled Slaw

Crispy Tofu Tacos with Fermented Peanut Chile Sauce and Pickled Slaw

Say hello to taco night. Try this probiotic packed taco recipe for a healthy gut!

Servings: 6

Cook Time: 30 minutes

Prep Time: 30 minutes


Crispy Tofu

  • 1 block of extra firm tofu
  • 1 tablespoon of olive oil 
  • 1 tablespoon of reduced sodium tamari
  • 1 tablespoon of cornstarch 

Fermented Peanut Chile Sauce

  • ⅓ cup of creamy peanut butter
  • 1 tablespoon of sesame oil
  • 2 tablespoons of agave or honey 
  • 1 tablespoon of low sodium tamari
  • ⅓ cup  of water 
  • 1-2 tablespoons of fermented red chile paste “Gochujang”

Pickled Slaw

  • 3 cups of red cabbage 
  • 1 cup of matchstick carrots
  • ½  cup of rice vinegar 
  • ½  cup of water
  • 1-2 tablespoons of maple syrup or agave 
  • 1 tablespoon of mustard seed

Taco Fixin’s 

  • Corn street tacos
  • Chopped cilantro 
  • Chopped peanuts or cashews
  • Greek Yogurt 
  • Crumbled Cotija Cheese
  • Kimchi


  1. Preheat the oven to 400 degrees Fahrenheit and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.

  2. To prepare tofu: Drain water from the tofu package. Remove the tofu block from the package and wrap with 1 to 2 sheets of paper towels. Place the wrapped tofu block on a plate and place a heavy item (cast iron pan, baking dish etc.) on top of the block. Let liquid drain out for about 30 minutes.

  3. As liquid is draining from tofu, prepare fermented peanut chili sauce and pickled slaw.

  4. For fermented peanut chili sauce, combine all ingredients into a small bowl. Whisk until creamy and smooth. Add water slowly to desired consistency.

  5. For pickled slaw, shred red cabbage into thin strips and cut carrots to resemble a matchstick size. Put prepared vegetables in a medium size bowl. Combine rice vinegar, water, natural sweetener of choice, and mustard seed in a saucepan, bring to a boil and gently stir for 1 minute. Remove saucepan from heat and directly pour mixture over prepared vegetables. Stir slaw until liquid is well incorporated into vegetables. Place slaw in refrigerator uncovered for at least 15 minutes. Drain liquid out of slaw prior to serving.

  6. Remove the block of tofu from the paper towels and place on a cutting board. Cut the tofu block into small cubes. Place cubes in a bowl. Drizzle olive oil and tamari over tofu. Add cornstarch. Mix gently with hands until tofu cubes are glistening and coated coated with cornstarch.

  7. Put cubed tofu on lined baking sheet, bake for 30 to 40 minutes. 

  8. Once golden brown, remove from oven and let cool. 

  9. Assemble tacos starting with placing a tortilla flat on a plate, add a spoonful of fermented  peanut chile sauce, followed by 3 to 4 cubes of crispy tofu. To add a probiotic punch, top tacos with the fixin’s above. Enjoy! 

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